wholeness begins

with telling your story.

Welcome, I’m so glad you are here.

Considering therapy carries a lot of emotions and thoughts. You may be seeking support due to a painful loss, feeling overwhelmed with life or a desire to deepen an understanding of your self. Whatever your reasons, I want to honor your decision to start the process towards wholeness in your life.

I believe that a life of wholeness is when you can integrate all of your experiences-even the painful ones. This integration doesn't happen through fixing or white knuckling your way to a perfect life. Wholeness begins when you explore your full story with curiosity and compassion. Through this work you can:

tend to your losses that will soften your grief

let go of shame and form healthier narratives

& experience authentic connection with yourself and others

Whatever part of your story you want to explore, I would be honored to offer you support and guidance in this work.